Clear Lake 2009

Posted by julie on Tuesday, 13 October 2009, 23:16
Sylvan as train on the boat ramp. Note the neon green kayak. What a gorgeous place to be in a boat on a fall day.

Sylvan as train on the boat ramp. Note the neon green kayak in the background. What a gorgeous place to be in a boat on a fall day.

Thanks to Chandra, we found our favorite fall destination three years ago. We ventured back to Clear Lake this year with two other families, both with 4-year-old sons and 1-year-old daughters (well, one’s 11 months).

The girls

The girls

The boys

The boys

We last visited two years ago, when Sylvan was half as old as he is now. He was a good hiker then, insisting on walking so much that we nearly ended our hike by headlamp. This time, he wasn’t nearly as gung ho, but he did walk four of the five and a half miles, really hitting his stride with about two miles to go. And the other two little guys walked even more than that. Even Elena walked a bit; we were so far behind the other two families due to our little boy dawdler (it wasn’t exploring, Grammas; it was dawdling) that I just let Elena walk for a while. She appreciated not being in the backpack; her brother, on the other hand, still likes being in the backpack.


For your viewing pleasure, a re-enactment:

Are you kidding? That water's 38 degrees.

Are you kidding? That water's 38 degrees. 2007.

I might hold a grudge this time. 2009.

I might hold a grudge this time. 2009.

Someone's not afraid of a little cold water. So unafraid that I had to pull her away kicking and screaming. Literally (and I know what that means).

Someone's not afraid of a little cold water. So unafraid that I had to pull her away kicking and screaming. Literally (and I know what that means).

"Mommy, I'm a big-horned cow."

"Mommy, I'm a big-horned cow."

Some natural history notes:

  • When you walk around the lake, it’s difficult not to notice that the vine maple leaves appear to be dependent on the amount of sunlight they receive for their autumn color. The leaves in the full sun are red, those in the dappled forest are peachy, and there are pockets of orange and yellow.
This samara left a yellow "shadow" on the leaf behind.

This samara left a yellow "shadow" on the leaf behind.

  • Chris has some animal notes to share. If life bogs him down and he hasn’t posted these within a few days, I’ll attempt to fill in.
  • Mount Washington sported some large, new patches of snow. I climbed it two weeks ago (trip report to come), and my partners and I only found some of last spring’s snow. But this autumn’s snow is nothing compared to that of two years ago. I just pulled up this photo of the Sisters from 2007, and they’re covered. Not so a few days ago. But it’s raining now. Not so much hard as convincingly.

2 Responses to “Clear Lake 2009”

  1. Maria says:

    what a fun place! thanks for sharing

  2. […] or fattening and heartburn-inducing, depending on your logic)? Our third fall excursion to Clear Lake included four Moms, four Dads, four sons, and four daughters. Each of the boys is three years older […]