Sylvan biking update

Posted by jonesey on Wednesday, 20 July 2011, 6:45

Sylvan learned to ride a pedal bike on Friday.  Last night, he rode home from pizza night at Hideaway Bakery (about a mile).

Sylvan and Julie biking home from Hideaway Bakery

This morning, he rode with me to school, also about a mile.

Trailer for Elena, bike for Sylvan, parked at school


We had good conversations about the difference between riding the bike and riding in the bike trailer.  Sylvan observed that:

  • When he is riding in a place where cars can park, but there are no cars, he rides in a straight line, as if there were cars there. That’s my son, the Effective Cyclist.
  • Riding up hills is tiring.  Also, having to pedal all the time is tiring. Downhills are nice, because you can rest.
  • Riding a bike makes your arms cold. Even in July. Yes, Virginia, it’s 57 degrees in Oregon. Eat your humid hearts out.

Big stuff.

2 Responses to “Sylvan biking update”

  1. Mel says:

    It’s funny how they go from not being able to ride a bike to riding everywhere in a matter of 30 seconds. They “can’t” then they can. I want to learn that way…. Go Sylvan!

  2. Maria says:

    Awesome!!!!!!! Go Sylvan!